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Riccardo Gusmaroli

The artist

Dream of a journey

Riccardo Gusmaroli lives and works in Milan.

He started his activity as an architecture and still-life photographer, an important experience for his path.

The creative research of Gusmaroli is full of freedom, in particular in the choice of materials and surfaces which are active elements of the artistic action. Postmarks, city maps but also monochrome backgrounds mainly white or red on which the artist creates formal an poetic textures of simple objects like paper boats, repeated in the minimal operation of "removing".

The well-known white vortexes of boats create imaginary journeys of impossible seaways of sensations and thoughts directed by the materials in a calculated musicality of paper waves, lights and shadows, action and stillness.

Over the years Riccardo Gusmaroli's artworks have been present in many important private and public spaces and in prestigious exhibitions like Museo Civico di Lodi in Milan with Accardi and Demaria, GAMC Viareggio, Trevi Flash Art Museum,  Galleria d’Arte Moderna of Turin, Vittoriano in Rome and all over the world from Barcelona to Bruxelles, New York and in Paris together with Alighiero Boetti.

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